Friday, February 24, 2012

Where your treasure is

I find it interesting what kind of things and people our society places the greatest importance on. Think about it. Who is the most famous person you can think of that's alive today?

[pause for thought]

Now tell me...or rather think to yourself...why is that person famous? Was it Stephen Hawking, one of the greatest minds in astrophysics? Or maybe you thought of a really famous contemporary artist...or philosopher...religious leader maybe? Oh, or maybe a famous doctor! That would be good, right? On that note, who IS the most famous doctor in the world right now? Seems like a good question. I often take questions like these to google. It's kind of the place to find things these days, right? So let's see...Well, there's Dr. Spock. I can respect that. I don't think he was (or will be?) a physician per se, but he did have a good grasp on logic. Then there's Dr. House. He's definitely famous. Oh, Dr. Seuss! I remember that guy. (don't we all?) Or how about Dr. Pepper? Everyone loves that guy. (wait, is it a guy?) Let's not forget Dr. Who. Wouldn't want a horde of angry nerds after me for neglecting to mention that one.

Starting to see a pattern? The only one I could find that was an actual physician...Dr. Kevorkian. For those who may not recall, he's the famous promoter of euthanasia. Don't worry, I'm not turning this post into a diatribe on the ethics of mercy killing. That's another discussion for another time. I think we can all agree, however, that what makes any of these "doctors" famous actually has nothing to do with skill as a physician.

Now as an interesting part of this little experiment, think of the most famous person you can think of that has ever lived. I'm willing to bet that one isn't an actor or fictional character from a TV series. That's a little more comforting. Still, I have to wonder...When are we ever going to learn? Most historical figures that we respect and even revere for their contributions to humanity not only lacked support during their lifetime, but were often reviled and persecuted for their ideas.

Now here we are in a time where we feel so enlightened and evolved. Yet, the people we place on a pedestal and give our hard-earned wages to support aren't the great thinkers and those striving every day to make our world a better one. It's not the Nobel Prize winners that our kids wish they could grow up to be like. It's not the doctors working to cure cancer whose names are heard echoing through the hearts and minds of 'We, the people...'

So that leads me to the quote of the day that's on my mind and the one responsible for the title of this post:

Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

Maybe we can strive to place our treasure a little less in the silver (interesting coincidence?) screen and a little more in the amazing individuals that constantly provide a more amazing existence for all of us.

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